We are the world’s premier cosmetic dental practice
Cosmetic dentistry is the business of smiles—after all, a brilliant smile is priceless. At the helm of this transformative field is Apa Aesthetic, Dr. Michael Apa’s visionary practice delivering the world’s most coveted and customized smiles.
For more than a decade, Dr. Apa has dedicated his life to this singular passion, transforming the dental experience from a need-based service to a want-based luxury. An Apa smile is not just beautiful; it is functional, like a Ferrari—precise in its architecture and engineering.
The Smile Makeover
More than a makeover, the final result is a transformation. An Apa Aesthetic smile doesn't just complete your face; it reflects your mood, personal style and one-of-a-kind spirit, allowing you to lead a happier, healthier and more confident life.
The most powerful smile makeovers offer dramatic results through subtle changes that blend seamlessly with your natural features and preserve your unique character. Effective smile makeovers are an enhancement and deliver on our promise - "you, but better."
Stories of Transformation
No two smiles are alike. Understanding each patient's unique needs is not only crucial for personalized and effective treatment but also Apa Aesthetic's specialty.